Room for You by Beth Ehemann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book has a hiiiiiigh rating and I buckled to peer pressure and gave it 4 stars. If I wasn’t worried about being chased by angry villagers wielding pitchforks I would have given it a 3 star rating.
Kacie is 24 years old and the mother of 5 year old twin girls. As a reader you’re supposed to grasp the absolute devastation and shredded heart she carries from the absence of her children’s father, Zach. I didn’t buy a single drop of her tears. When she and her family describe her relationship it sounds like him leaving was the best thing that could have happened to her! He was a world class jerk and their relationship was borderline abusive. He left her and her children in dangerous situations with no money. Kacie herself says she was committed to their relationship because she wanted a traditional nuclear family- never once mentioning and true feeling for him. So- what she experienced is DISAPPOINTMENT not a broken heart.
Further, when Brody first begins to texts her she’s disrespectful and rude. PASS! I just couldn’t enjoy the book because of Kacie’s character. Boo! Brody was a handsome champion shouldering all of Kacie’s crap.